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Annual Meeting/Induction

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The 51st Annual meeting and Induction ceremony of the ICD Japan Section

The 51st Annual meeting and Induction ceremony of the ICD Japan Section were held at Westin Nagoya Castle Hotel in Nagoya city on Saturday, May 17, 2008. This year the biannual president business - transfer ceremony was performed, and the 24th president Sei-ichiro Ema was succeeded by the 25th president Tsuyoshi Saito. In addition, Megumi Amano Fellow was approved as an incoming president at the general meeting. 146 persons attended in total, 93 fellows, 30 accompanying persons, 5 invited foreign researchers and 3 supervisors, 10 overseas guests and 5 invited guests and the meeting was finished successfully.

On 18th May, 50 persons attended the excursion and passed a friendly pleasant day was had by all.

The national board of directors

The national board of directors

President alteration ceremony

President alteration ceremony

Right: 24th president Sei-ihiro Ema 
Left: 25th president Tsuyoshi Saito

Overseas guests

Overseas guests
Induction ceremony

Induction ceremony

New fellows

New fellows

Special lecture by Mr. Yasukazu Yamamoto (honored vice-president of Tokugawa Art Museum)

Special lecture by Mr. Yasukazu Yamamoto
(honored vice-president of Tokugawa Art Museum)



Social party

Social party

Excursion on 18th May

Excursion on 18th May

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