■ 最近の表紙紹介 |
表紙のことば:『菜の花』 |
The mellow scent of Nanohana(rape-blossoms)―gatherings of small yellow flowers, finally blooming after surviving the winter wind and snow ― tells dramatically the coming of spring in Japan.(Photo by M.Iidaka FICD) |
表紙のことば:『ヒガンバナ』 |
Higanbana Bringing Japanese Autumn Feeling
Higanbana is one of the Japanese common flowers which bloom around autumnal eguinox and gives us the feeling of calm tranguility of autumn season though the color of the flower is bright red. (Photo by M.Iidaka FICD) |
表紙のことば:『お地蔵さん』 |
Jizo(a gurdian deity of children)
Many of these stone images are set up at crossroads or at the edges of bridges in the village, where people come and pray for the safety of children or travelers.(Photo by M.Iidaka FICD) |